Programmer Weekly (Issue 62 July 8 2021)

Programmer Weekly - Issue 62

Programmer Weekly

Welcome to issue 62 of Programmer Weekly. Let's get straight to the links this week.

Quote of the Week


"Later equals never."- Le Blanc's law


Reg chats to developer whose joke that mere mention of a new prod would appear in job ads came true and spawned books, songs, forks, cryptocoin, and more

What is the current state of the Java Ecosystem, and what are developers using.

The tech giants end five years of quietly settling their differences.

Now that NFTs are well known and desirable in the digital art world, Kusama wants to add complex functionality to make them even more valuable.

Victims are already seeing ransom demands ranging from $45,000 to $5 million.

Internet-wide research on the security posture of databases exposed on the internet. This post contains all the specifics and analysis of results.

Reading List

A few months ago, Reddit had a traffic event unlike anything we’d ever experienced with r/WallStreetBets. We’ve already written about the high-level traffic stats, and we’re here to dive deeper into a few of the infrastructure challenges and shed some light on the hard work that happened behind the scenes to HODL against the strain of hundreds of thousands of diamond hands.

A story about all the discussions in the git mailing list regarding git pull, and a simple way to fix all the issues: git update.

The HTTP Idempotency-Key request header field can be used to carry idempotency key in order to make non-idempotent HTTP methods such as "POST" or "PATCH" fault-tolerant.

This post walks you through how to implement a time-series database engine based on what the author has learned from his experience of writing a lightweight one from scratch.

A little story about how writing a domain-specific compression algorithm in a few days can sometimes yield big benefits, why it’s sometimes worth giving it a shot, and how to tell when you should try. 

Ready for the next generation of web content.

In this article we’ll learn how to build shared libraries and install them properly on several platforms. For guidance, we’ll examine the goals and history of dynamic linking on UNIX-based operating systems.

PathQuery is a graph query language developedto scale with Google’s query and data volumes as well as itsinternal developer community. PathQuery supports flexibleand declarative semantics. We have found that this enablesquery developers to think in a naturally “graphy” design spaceand to avoid the additional cognitive effort of coordinatin gnumerous joins and subqueries often required to express anequivalent query in a relational space.  

This article argues that disable comments and warnings are harmful to static analysis tools and our codebases, and ultimately argue that configurability and precision of rules can solve the problems that disable comments were trying to solve.

Watch and Listen

A chat with Richard Hipp about surviving becoming core infrastructure for the world. Richard shares his story. It’s the story of creating a small open source project and having it grow beyond your wildest ambitions. It’s the story of following that success wherever it leads: From relationships with tech-giants to interesting testing procedures and more.

Ian Eyberg jumps on with the panel to discuss the uses and origins of UniKernels. He and the panel discuss how to set them up and where they fit into your infrastucture conversations. 

Retired Microsoft engineer Dave Plummer takes you on a guided tour of 45 different computer languages and drag races each against one another using a prime sieve benchmark.  From Ada to Zig and everything in between, find out which is fastest and which is slowest.

A chat about the new options and tools - from a headless CMS to edge data processing - that Shopify is offering developers.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

Check if an email address exists without sending any email.

ModernCloud is a browser-based serverless platform that lets developers build functions and endpoints in minutes.

An open-source, real-time 3D development engine.

A language for writing regular expressions.

Libraries and tools to perform fully homomorphic encryption operations on an encrypted data set.

Vintage guitar amp using neural networks.

Cakebrew is the most convenient way to use Homebrew for your daily tasks! It does for Homebrew what Synaptics does to Linux package managers. 

A VSCode extension to highlight nested code blocks supporting multiple languages.

Miniflare is a simulator for developing and testing Cloudflare Workers.

Weferral provides all the tools needed to start, manage, and grow your affiliate program. Weferral affiliate management software is simple, powerful, and easily customizable based on your needs

Upcoming Events 

This two-day event provides a deep dive into the future of data, and features interactive workshops, explorations of the latest data trends and products, Ask Me Anything panels with the top minds in data, and more.

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