Programmer Weekly (Issue 149 March 30 2023)

Programmer Weekly - Issue 149

Programmer Weekly

Welcome to issue 149 of Programmer Weekly. Let's get straight to the links this week.

Quote of the Week


"Quality is a product of a conflict between programmers and testers." ― Yegor Bugayenk


We're reversing course. After taking in feedback from the community, we’re no longer sunsetting the Free Team plan.

Reading List

This article will demonstrate a simple, practical, and robust approach to spawning and managing threads using only raw system calls. 

Learn what Nx is and how to use it for scaling JavaScript monorepos with multiple frontends and backends.

Nowadays, Alpine Linux is one of the most popular options for container base images. Many people (maybe including you) use it for anything and everything. Some people use it because of its small size, some because of habit and some, just because they copy-pasted a Dockefile from some tutorial. Yet, there are plenty of reasons why you should not use Alpine for your container images, some of which can cause you great amount of grief.

Tech professionals’ pay by programming skills, job functions, regions, and more

What makes Radar, Stripe’s fraud prevention solution, so powerful? Here are some of the key decisions made—and lessons learned—in the years it has taken to build it.

Watch and Listen

We will cover various features such as signing up and signing in with email and password, tweeting text, images, and links, identifying and storing hashtags, displaying tweets, liking tweets, retweeting, commenting/replying, following users, searching for users, displaying followers, following, and recent tweets, editing user profiles, showing tweets with specific hashtags, and a premium feature called "Twitter Blue". Additionally, we will also be implementing a notifications tab that will show notifications when someone replies to you, follows you, likes your tweet or retweets. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a fully-functional Twitter clone that you can further customize and improve upon.

We'll walk through setting up API routes in a Next.js app that use the OpenAI API and SDK to generate custom Pokémon attributes and an image based on that generated appearance.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

An editor made for programming with AI.

AI-powered search engine for your organization.

Transforming Your Words into Diagrams - With AI Assistance.

The NASA ICER image compression algorithm.

A library for audio and music analysis, feature extraction.

A library of composable functions for the type-level! Transform your TypeScript types in any way you want using functions you already know.

Envio is a command-line tool that simplifies the management of environment variables across multiple profiles. It allows users to easily switch between different configurations and apply them to their current environment.

YTsaurus is a scalable and fault-tolerant open-source big data platform. 

Experimental extension that brings OpenAI API to your PostgreSQL to run queries in human language.

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