Programmer Weekly (Issue 131 November 17 2022)

Programmer Weekly - Issue 131

Programmer Weekly

Welcome to issue 131 of Programmer Weekly. Let's get straight to the links this week.

Quote of the Week


"Theory and practice sometimes clash. And when that happens, theory loses. Every single time." - Linus Torvalds


Intel’s deepfake detector analyzes ‘blood flow’ in video pixels to return results in milliseconds with 96% accuracy.

Understanding code is one of the most important parts of software development. Developers need to be able to quickly search, navigate, and understand their code to do their best work. That’s why we have dramatically upgraded the code search and browsing experience on GitHub with an all-new code search and code view beta that we’re excited to announce. 

Reading List

A canonical document from the early days of Amazon that transformed the architecture of Amazon’s ecommerce platform. It highlights the challenges we were facing at the end of the 20th century, and hints at where we were headed.

Even talking about building a monolith today, is a bit taboo. It is all about microservices at the moment, and has been for a few years. But they aren’t a silver bullet. Sure, a bunch of the big players use them. But microservices also come with a lot of extra complexity that can make life a lot harder than it has to be. So maybe…just maybe…you should consider building a modular monolith to start of with, and then transition it to a services based architecture when you actually need it.

This blog post walks through our efforts reverse engineering the Zaptec Pro charger, an electric vehicle charger.

A deep dive into the problems with scaling CSS on large projects. Understand the evolution of CSS best practices.

Recently we focused on improving the performance of HEY. Fixing slow database queries for some of the HEY pages was a challenge, so I thought it would be worth writing up a technique we used.

Analysis of The State of Frontend survey with 3,700 respondents. What engineering practices and technologies are gaining momentum in the field?

Watch and Listen

Learn how to program with TypeScript in this full course for beginners. TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. TypeScript provides better error checking than JavaScript. This is because TypeScript uses a static type system, which means that the type of a variable is checked before the code is executed.

Chelsea Finn is an Assistant Professor at Stanford and part of the Google Brain team. She's interested in the capability of robots and other agents to develop broadly intelligent behavior through learning and interaction at scale. In this episode, we chat about some of the biggest bottlenecks in RL and robotics—including distribution shifts, Sim2Real transferability, and the inherent tradeoff of sample efficiency—as well as what makes a great researcher, why she aspires to build a robot that can make cereal, and much more.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

Write code without the keyboard. Difficulty typing? Use your voice to code without spelling things out by talking with GitHub Copilot.

Fast, Declarative, Reproducible, and Composable Developer Environments.

Tunneling Internet traffic over Whatsapp.

A Scalable, User-Friendly Source Control System.

Your shell history: synced, queryable, and in context.

A graphical tool for developing on containers and Kubernetes.

A full featured, stand-alone, high-performance HTTP server and client written entirely in plain Java.

A general-purpose, transactional, relational database that uses Datalog and focuses on graph data and algorithms.

The next-generation hybrid timeseries/analytics processing database in the cloud.

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